About Us

We use the term “designed dental care” to describe the importance Tappan Dental places on getting to know each patient; to arrive at a plan that will fulfill their specific needs and wants for achieving long-term oral health. Because there are many dental treatment options on the road to achieving a completely healthy smile, the doctors at Tappan Dental believe that each patient should be informed of these choices, the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the cost.
Once the patient and doctor have agreed on the type of treatment, it will be determined how to proceed in order to deliver the dental care in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible. The result is a totally customized plan of family dentistry that is as unique as the individual for whom it is created. This is the essence of “designed dental care”, complete dental care custom-tailored to the individual’s needs and wants. The perfect fit for the whole family – Adults and Children alike.

Our Team